Reasons Why Summer Tutoring Is Important

Summer is time for fun, family, vacations, camp, relaxation, and TUTORING? With the end of the school year approaching quickly you are probably beginning to think about your family’s summer schedule. Many parents believe that summer is time for a mental break but it is during the summer vacation that many students fall behind because of lack of mental stimulation.

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Will A Private Math Tutor Help?

Transitioning from elementary math to middle school math or from middle school math to high school math is challenging for many students.  Many times the curriculum is taught differently then how it was taught in the past  so it is common for parents to search for some level of academic assistance for their children.  Whether you would like your child to

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When To Start Studying For The SAT

When should I start studying for the SAT? This is a very common question however there is no “clear-cut” answer. In many ways the SAT is a test of knowledge and much of it covers content that you have learned learned throughout your academic career specifically grammar rules, essay writing tips, Geometry and Algebra skills.  Therefore studying should include brushing up on

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Selecting The Right Tutor For Your Child

It can be extremely frustrating to see you child struggling with his or her elementary math facts or beginning to fall behind in those advanced classes like AP Chemistry. In most cases the earlier these issues are addressed the better the outcome will be, so it is important to start searching for a solution immediately. The solution for many becomes hiring a tutor to assist with your

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Winter Break Motivation Tips

Children  may find it hard to get back into the school routine after the lengthy winter break.  Keeping a child motivated during a holiday break is very important.  It is crucial that you plan ahead for lengthy school breaks so that television and video games are not the only options. Here are some excellent ways that you can keep your children motivated the next

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