Virtual Tutors To Help Fill The COVID Educational Gap

When the COVID-19 pandemic forced most of the nation’s children to finish their school year at home, parents were suddenly thrust into the role of teacher. It’s no secret that many parents and students struggled with the sudden switch to virtual learning. Some were more successful than others. 

For the coming academic year, parents are faced with a difficult choice. Sending children back to school comes with potential health risks. However, there’s also the very real possibility that another year of virtual learning could cause their children to fall further behind in their academics. 

Parents across the country are turning to virtual tutors to fill the growing education gap. A virtual tutor gives children and parents the extra support they need during this difficult time. 

The COVID Educational Gap

While, on the surface, a few months of virtual learning may not seem like a big deal, it will cause serious issues for many of our children. Even if children are returning to in-person school for the fall semester, there’s a good chance that they’re coming in at a disadvantage.

In most academic subjects, lessons build upon each other. This means that if they missed even a few key concepts or lost any academic skills during their time of virtual learning, they’re going to have to work harder to catch up this school year.

This is one of the many reasons why parents are hiring virtual tutors. They can help reinforce the topics covered during the last school year and get students back on strong footing. 

Working with a Virtual Tutor

Most tutoring programs provide a one-on-one interaction with an experienced educator. The curriculum is customized for each child’s individual needs, giving the child the benefits of both accountability and flexibility. When searching for a virtual tutor for your child, it’s important to be both honest and realistic about where they’re lacking and the results you hope to achieve.

Virtual tutoring works in much the same way as in-person tutoring. The difference is that it uses technology to connect the student with the tutor. This creates additional flexibility in terms of the time and location of sessions. Many parents find this option much more convenient as they try to balance work and school schedules. 

No matter where a child is in their academic career, a tutor is often helpful. This has never been more true than it is right now. If you want to learn more about how a virtual tutoring program can help your child, contact us today! 

Learn More About Virtual Tutoring Today

No matter where a child is in their academic career, a tutor is often helpful. This has never been more true than it is right now. If you want to learn more about how a virtual tutoring program can help your child, contact us today! 

To get started with your customized tutoring plan, contact A+ Tutoring Service, LLC at 908-338-6086 or contact us online with your questions.